Saturday, February 1, 2020

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 370

Assignment Example My confidence is 4. My experience with LMA has indicated that it can deliver higher oxygen saturation during emergency. A documented failure of the colorimetric carbon dioxide exists. The detector failed to indicate the color change in morbidity obese female patient with a history of schizophrenia, bronchiectasis, and remote burns (Levitan, Vanderbeek, and Kuhfahl 636). Despite the right placement in the trachea, the detector failed considerably to display color change. In my clinical site, uses the End-tidal carbon dioxide detector to maintain the safety of the patients. The method is used in the anesthesia department at my clinical site. The detector measures the carbon dioxide in the expired air to identify the changes in the elimination of the gas from the lungs. The digital numeric and waveform display confirms the concentration of the carbon dioxide. I would attach pulse oximeter and record oxygen saturation, resting heart rate, color, and respiratory rate. The second step would involve removing humidivent and performing tracheal, the attaching manometer. Placing the Passy-Muir Speaking Valve to monitor oxygen saturation, heart rate, color, state and respiratory rate together with measuring passive exhalations would follow. The third step would entail removing the manometer and replace humidivent. Lastly, I would determine the pass/fail in order to take appropriate action I would use the voice tracheostomy tube to enable the patient speak during the ventilation. The complications that may occur include bleeding, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, damage of esophagus, and injury of nerve

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